What is Progressive Discipline – Union Collective Bargaining

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Progressive discipline is a system where you have a series of steps that lead up to termination. This allows for everyone to know the expectations, as well as what will happen if they fail to meet those expectations.

Progressive discipline is a system where you have a series of steps that lead up to termination, this allows for everyone to know the expectations.

Progressive discipline is a system where you have a series of steps that lead up to termination, this allows for everyone to know the expectations. Let’s say that there are two people on your team who are always late for work. The first time it happens, you might call them into your office and tell them that being late is unacceptable and that they need to be on time from now on. If they continue being late, then the next step in progressive discipline would be sending them home without pay for a week or two until their performance improves. Finally, if their performance does not improve after taking unpaid leave, then you would need to terminate them from employment because their failure to change indicates that they do not care about the company anymore and will probably not change their behavior even if given more opportunities at this point.

The Progressive Discipline policy is meant to outline the expectations for all employees and to be clear about the consequences for not meeting those expectations.

The Progressive Discipline policy is meant to outline the expectations for all employees and to be clear about the consequences for not meeting those expectations. The policy may include:
  • The goals of progressive discipline and why they are important
  • The types of behaviors that may lead to disciplinary action
  • What should be done during an investigation (e.g., time limits, who can be involved)
  • What happens if someone disagrees with a decision or feels they have been treated unfairly by management or HR

Progressive Discipline will also enable supervisors and other employees to hold each other accountable for performance and conduct.

Progressive discipline will also enable supervisors and other employees to hold each other accountable for performance and conduct. For example, if an employee is not performing the job duties as expected or is violating company policies, a supervisor may use progressive discipline to address the issue. Progressive discipline can be used as a tool for holding employees accountable for their performance as well as their conduct.

If an employee believes that he/she has been unfairly treated or if there is any disagreement with what is mentioned in the progressive discipline policy, he/she can file a grievance with his/her supervisor.

If an employee believes that he/she has been unfairly treated or if there is any disagreement with what is mentioned in the progressive discipline policy, he/she can file a grievance with his/her supervisor. Depending on the contract, a grievance may be filed within two weeks of the incident or upon receiving written notice related to discipline. If an employee files a grievance, it should be filed in writing and must be signed by the employee. The employee may request a hearing before having to submit any evidence or witnesses. After reviewing all parties’ statements on both sides of the issue, management will make its decision regarding what action will be taken against an employee who did not follow company policies.

Grievances should be filed within two weeks of the incident or upon receiving written notice related to discipline.

Grievances must be filed within two weeks of the incident or upon receiving written notice related to discipline. If a grievance is not filed within this time frame, it may not be heard by the Grievance Committee. The following steps should be followed for filing an appeal:
  • Employee requests supervisor’s signature (Grievance).
  • Supervisor signs and forwards it to Union Steward; if no steward available, then sends form directly to Union President with copy of disciplinary action taken against employee and related documents attached as exhibits where applicable (i.e., witness statements, pictures etc.).

The Union contract has a section on progressive discipline and outlines the procedures that should be followed if discipline is necessary.

In a union contract, the progressive discipline section outlines how an employee can be disciplined for their performance. Progressive discipline is a system where you have a series of steps that lead up to termination. The first step in this process is usually an informal discussion or written warning from your supervisor and then if needed it would move on to more formal written warnings and then eventually termination. Progressive discipline can also be used as a way for employees to improve their performance by giving them guidance on what they need to do better and helping them understand what will happen if they don’t improve their work habits or performance at work.

The progressive discipline policy provides a framework for expecting all employees to follow standards of acceptable behavior, learn from their mistakes and improve their performance when necessary.

Progressive discipline is a system where you have a series of steps that lead up to termination. It’s meant to outline the expectations for all employees and to be clear about the consequences for not meeting those expectations. These are your rights as an employee:
  • You have the right to appeal any disciplinary action if you disagree with it
  • You can’t be fired for filing a complaint about discrimination, safety concerns or harassment


Progressive discipline is a method of disciplining employees in which the level of disciplinary action increases as an employee’s misconduct becomes more serious. Progressive discipline is used to help ensure fair treatment for all employees, but it can also be used as a tactic by management to maintain control over its workforce. The collective bargaining agreement between your union and your employer will determine what rules govern progressive discipline within your workplace

Michael Brethorst, MS

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