Always be reliable. A great team player is constantly reliable day in and day out, not just some of the time. You can count on them to get the job done, meet deadlines, keep their word, and provide consistent quality work. The following are basic tips on what can work if you try to be part of a team. These tips work in your favor if you follow them. It is not easy to be part of a team. There are conflicting interests. In the end, things tend to work out.
- Don’t be afraid of failure. Learn what didn’t work and apply that to the next challenge.
- Communicate with confidence. Good team players might silently get the work done but shy away from speaking up and speaking often. Great team players communicate their ideas honestly and clearly and respect the views and opinions of others on the team. Clear, effective communication done constructively and respectfully is the key to getting heard.
- Do more than asked. While getting the work done and doing your fair share is expected of good team players, great team players know that taking risks, stepping outside their comfort zones, and sharing creative ideas are what it’ll take to get ahead. Taking on more responsibilities and extra initiative sets them apart from others on the team.
- Adapt quickly and easily. Great team players don’t passively sit on the sideline and see change happen; they adapt to changing situations and often drive positive change themselves. They don’t get stressed or complain but are flexible in finding their feet in whatever is thrown their way.
- Displays genuine commitment. Great team players take the time to make positive work relationships with other team members a priority and display a genuine passion and commitment toward their team.
- Be a problem solver. You can spot a great team player a mile away. He or she is the one who rarely dwells on a problem or seeks to blame circumstances and other people for not solving it. They are never satisfied with procrastination but prefer to get going and resolve the issue as fast as they can by involving all the team members as well.