Free Coffee – best office perk ever


A free cup of coffee, available to all employees, is the best office perk ever. Section:
  • It’s a non-trivial amount of money saved by your company over time.
  • It’s a very simple perk that doesn’t require any real effort on the part of the company.
  • It goes a long way towards making your company feel like a home for its employees, rather than just a place where they come to work (and drink coffee).
Section: If you’re reading this and thinking “but wait – my company already offers free coffee!”, then I’m so sorry! Please get out as soon as possible; there are other opportunities out there for you that don’t involve working at an awful place like this one 🙁 . But if no-one has ever offered you free coffee before, or if the idea of having it around made even more sense than getting paid every two weeks does now… read on!

Coffee gets the day started

Coffee is a stimulant, which means it helps you stay awake and alert. Coffee is such a great way to start the day because it gets your body going right away. If you’ve ever found yourself dragging at the start of your day, having coffee will do wonders for your energy levels! Coffee can also help get you through a long day. If you’re one of those people who has trouble staying focused at work or school, coffee can give your brain a boost so that everything feels easier to process.

It fosters communication

Coffee breaks are a great way to get to know your coworkers. Whether it’s a casual chat over coffee, or a chance for everyone to sit down and discuss their individual projects, these moments can help you learn more about the people you work with. Additionally, coffee breaks give employees an excuse to take their minds off of work and relax for a while—which means they will be happier and more productive at the office when they return. The best part? Free coffee!

Good coffee is a bonus perk

  • Good coffee is a bonus perk. It’s not the most important thing to your employees, but it’s up there. Coffee can be a social event, which helps employees have conversations with one another and with customers. It also serves as fuel for creativity when you need to stay late to finish a project on time (or catch up on sleep for that meeting you missed).
  • Your employees feel appreciated when they get free coffee!

Casual conversation

Coffee breaks are a great time to catch up with coworkers and customers in an informal setting. And if you’re feeling especially chatty, it’s also the perfect opportunity to talk about more personal matters with family members or friends. The coffee machine is one of the few places where people from different departments hang out together—and that kind of bonding is good for business!

Coffee is appreciated by employees and customers

First, coffee is appreciated by customers. There’s nothing better than seeing that your favorite coffee shop cares about their employees. It shows in the quality of their product and ambiance, and it makes customers want to come back more often. Second, coffee is appreciated by employees. What better way to show appreciation for your hard-working employees than offering them a free cup of coffee every day? It’s not just about the caffeine—it’s about feeling valued and appreciated by your boss! And finally, this perk helps everyone get along better at work. There are fewer arguments over who gets what first in the kitchen or who gets stuck making an extra trip outside for a refill because someone else drank all the milk (again). Everyone wins with free office coffee!

Coffee breaks punctuate work shifts

There is no better way to punctuate your work day than a coffee break. Whether you’re stopping for a quick cup of joe on the way to the office or lingering over a full-blown iced latte after lunch, these breaks have time and again been proven to be great for your health, productivity, and well being.
  • Coffee breaks are good for relaxing.
  • Coffee breaks are good for talking with coworkers.
  • Coffee breaks are good for talking with customers and clients.
  • Coffee breaks are good for talking with bosses (and learning their names).

It’s a really cheap way to show employees that you appreciate them

Free coffee is a great way to show employees that you care about them and appreciate their hard work. It can be as simple as a hot cup of joe in the morning, or it could be part of more elaborate perks like paid sick days and vacation days. If you want to give your employees something special but don’t want to break the bank, free coffee is an incredibly cheap way to show that you value them. But don’t just take our word for it; here are some other companies that provide free beverages:


By now, you know that having free coffee in the office is one of the best perks you can offer your employees. Not only does it make them more productive, it builds loyalty and strengthens relationships between coworkers. It’s also a great way for companies to attract new employees as well as retain their current ones! So if you haven’t started offering free coffee yet – there’s no time like the present! But before committing to any type or brand of machine or supplies, think about the size of your office space and how often people are going to be using it. A Keurig might be perfect for an office where everyone needs their own cup every day but wouldn’t be ideal if there are too many people working together at once.

Michael Brethorst, MS

Chief Contributor

We provide practical and usable real world solutions to common and complex Healtcare and Human Resource questions. All of our articles are based in fact.

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