ESGR – what is it and why U need to know

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As a Reservist or a National Guardsman, you know that your job is important to the military and to our country. You also know that it can be hard to balance your civilian responsibilities with your military commitment. ESGR – the Employer Support of Guard and Reserve program – was created by Congress in 1972 to help employers supporting Reservists and Guardsmen with this challenge. For more information on ESGR’s efforts and initiatives visit or call our toll free number 1-800-336-4590. There is no charge for any service provided by ESGR; however there may be charges associated with some programs/activities such as travel costs incurred by an employer or employee attending training conducted by ESGR staff at no cost to attendees.”””

ESGR, a Department of Defense agency, was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment.

ESGR, a Department of Defense agency, was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment. ESGR’s mission is to support the National Guard and Reserve community through partnerships with private sector employers regarding their policies, programs and services; to educate America’s employers about the value of hiring and retaining employees who are members of our nation’s Reserve Components; and finally, to provide assistance with resolving issues that arise when employees experience difficulty balancing their civilian employment with military responsibilities

Employers are encouraged to contact their local ESGR office for assistance in establishing military-friendly policies.

ESGR is a Department of Defense agency that provides information, resources and services to help employers become more familiar with DoD policies and military culture. Assistance may include:
  • Developing or revising employee handbooks;
  • Developing flexible work schedules;
  • Establishing training programs for employees who have served in the military;
  • Providing guidance on hiring veterans.

For more information on the ESGR’s efforts and initiatives visit or call our toll free number 1-800-336-4590.

If you would like to learn more about the ESGR and its mission, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 1-800-336-4590. The ESGR is a DOD agency established in 1972. The goal of the ESGR is to resolve conflicts between military members, retirees and their families or survivors and employers while they are transitioning into civilian life. To help with these transitions, we also promote military friendly policies in government agencies and private companies throughout the country by helping individuals understand their rights as part of this effort for us all. Additionally, each year we partner with local communities all over America to host job fairs that bring together employers who hire veterans as well as military spouses looking for career opportunities outside of their homes/families (the spouse’s perch). These events also provide valuable information on how people can prepare themselves financially before leaving active duty so they can start making smart decisions when entering civilian life such as saving up money for education tuition costs after serving time overseas; buying houses instead renting them (which can lead many young families into debt); etc…

There is no charge for any service provided by ESGR.

You may be wondering:
  • Who is ESGR?
  • How come their services are free?
Well, ESGR is a Department of Defense agency that provides employers and employees with information about the rights and responsibilities associated with National Guard and Reserve membership. Additionally, they can help resolve conflicts (or at least get them started on the right track) between employers and employees when those conflicts arise from Guard or Reserve service. So if you’re an employer looking to hire members of the National Guard or Reserves but aren’t sure what you need to do for them, don’t worry–ESGR has got your back!

When you need help with Guard or Reserve issues at work, your local ESGR is the best place to start

ESGR is a Department of Defense agency that promotes collaboration between the active, reserve and guard components, as well as those who serve in the civilian workforce. ESGR has over 100 support locations, including state and local offices across the country to help Guard and Reserve members with their employment concerns. As an outreach resource for employers and employees alike, ESGR works with both sides to ensure that service members are able to maintain their careers during leave periods or deployment assignments. ESGR also acts on behalf of civilians who may have issues relating to military service or veterans status when seeking employment at companies that employ large numbers of servicemembers (or any employer for that matter). The organization’s goal is not only making sure people get hired but also providing training opportunities so individuals can gain new skillsets—something we think everyone needs!


The ESGR is here to help you. Our staff are military-friendly and will work with you to make sure your reserve service doesn’t interfere with your ability to perform your job. If you’re wondering how we can help, contact us today! We’d love to hear from you.”

Michael Brethorst, MS

Chief Contributor

We provide practical and usable real world solutions to common and complex Healtcare and Human Resource questions. All of our articles are based in fact.

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