My Staffology - Leading People and Growing Resources

7 Qualities – That Make A Good Team Player

I like to believe that we are all on the same team. We are working to serve the betterment of the

people who live, work, and play. Each person on the team has a part

to play. If one person is not functioning at their potential, it affects the overall organization.

Many, if not all our team members do not struggle to define, what makes a poor team member.

I like to focus on what makes a good team member. 

I recently read a blog titled, “5 Qualities That Make a Good Team Player Great” – written by Joel

Garfinkle. He outlined what he believes it takes to make a good team:

               1. Always reliable

               2. Communicates with confidence

               3. Does more than asked

               4. Adapts quickly and easily

               5. Displays genuine commitment.

I would like to add two (2) components to this list; 

                6. sincerity

                7.  honesty. 

I believe that being direct and upfront with frustration or concern will work out far more often than not taking a direct approach. I would encourage all of us on the “Becker County Team”, to reflect on this. I believe we as a Team, are making Becker County better. 


To quote Walt Disney, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

Michael Brethorst, MS

Chief Contributor

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Michael Brethorst

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