My Staffology - Leading People and Growing Resources

Relaxing at Work – 7 tools to help

The key takeaway is that taking care of yourself is important and it doesn’t have to be complicated! If you find yourself stressed or anxious, try one of these techniques. You’ll be surprised by how much better they make you feel when going about your day as well as helping reduce stress levels overall over time

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Child Labor Law Pay work

Child Labor Laws – Know the facts

The United States has some of the strictest child labor laws in the world. These laws protect children from being exploited for labor and provide them with an education so they can pursue their dreams later in life. But many people still don’t know what these rights are or how they apply to their lives as employees. So, we’ve put together a list of questions and answers that will help you understand what these laws mean for YOU!

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What is Progressive Discipline – Union Collective Bargaining

rogressive discipline is a method of disciplining employees in which the level of disciplinary action increases as an employee’s misconduct becomes more serious. Progressive discipline is used to help ensure fair treatment for all employees, but it can also be used as a tactic by management to maintain control over its workforce. The collective bargaining agreement between your union and your employer will determine what rules govern progressive discipline within your workplace

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Mike Brethorst

Michael Brethorst, MS

Chief Contributor

We provide practical and usable real world solutions to common and complex Human Resource questions. All of our articles are based in fact.

Michael Brethorst

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